Thursday, March 01, 2007

and here comes her reply..

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. Many times when you come to talk to me about something that is troubling you in your life, it has to do with relationships. If we feel pressure in relationships it means that there is an absence of love and truth in that relationship. When there is truth, love is automatically there. Truth makes us the embodiment of love naturally and we become fearless and free from animosity. Whenever fear is experienced, the power of truth is not there. God is Truth.

Is the awareness of what God gives me in my heart or in my head? Everything can be put right through the heart. The Lord is pleased with a true heart. Go inside - go deep within. Make your thoughts pure and elevated and God will fill you with power. Always be truthful. Be like God, no desires at all.

Remember that everything that has happened was good; everything that is happening is even better and what will happen in the future will be better still. No surprises. God is creating a happy world.

With love,
Dadi Janki

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