Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Doa dari Fransiskus Asisi (one of my most favorite prayer)

Jadikanlah aku pembawa damai,
Bila terjadi kebencian,
jadikanlah aku pembawa damai,
Bila terjadi penghinaan,
jadikanlah aku pembawa pengampunan,
Bila terjadi perselisihan,
jadikanlah aku pembawa kerukunan,
Bila terjadi kebimbangan,
jadikanlah aku pembawa kepastian,
Bila terjadi kesesatan,
jadikanlah aku pembawa kebenaran,
Bila terjadi kesedihan,
jadikanlah aku sumber kegembiraan,
Bila terjadi kegelapan,
jadikanlah aku pembawa terang,
Tuhan semoga aku ingin menghibur
dari pada dihibur,
memahami dari pada dipahami,
mencintai dari pada dicintai,
sebab dengan memberi aku menerima,
dengan mengampuni aku mengampuni,
dengan mati suci aku bangkit lagi,
untuk hidup selama-lamanya,

Monday, November 26, 2007


Terbuka bunga dalam hatiku !
kembang rindang disentuh bibir kesturimu.
Melayah-layah mengintip restu senyumanmu.
Dengan mengelopaknya bunga ini, layulah
bunga lampau, kekasihku.
Bunga sunting hatiku, dalam masa mengembara
menanda dikau
Kekasihku ! inikah bunga sejati yang tiadakan
layu ?

Amir Hamzah

Thursday, March 01, 2007

and here comes her reply..

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. Many times when you come to talk to me about something that is troubling you in your life, it has to do with relationships. If we feel pressure in relationships it means that there is an absence of love and truth in that relationship. When there is truth, love is automatically there. Truth makes us the embodiment of love naturally and we become fearless and free from animosity. Whenever fear is experienced, the power of truth is not there. God is Truth.

Is the awareness of what God gives me in my heart or in my head? Everything can be put right through the heart. The Lord is pleased with a true heart. Go inside - go deep within. Make your thoughts pure and elevated and God will fill you with power. Always be truthful. Be like God, no desires at all.

Remember that everything that has happened was good; everything that is happening is even better and what will happen in the future will be better still. No surprises. God is creating a happy world.

With love,
Dadi Janki

Monday, January 29, 2007

a dream

In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.

Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?

That holy dream - that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.

What though that light, thro' storm and night,
So trembled from afar
What could there be a more purely bright
In Truth's day-star?

---Edgar Allan Poe---

Thursday, January 25, 2007

her story...

her face searches
looking for honesty
hoping to find it in each person she meets
she opens her heart to them
believes them to be who they say they are
and lets them into her heart
maybe not all the way... but they are in there

time passes and she trusts them more and more
opening herself up and being honest with them
about her pain and her suffering
hoping to find some understanding
some compassion

often she finds it... in a soft touch
a certain gentle look
and she is hooked
she believes in them
trusts them

one day the real truth about them
comes crashing in around her
she struggles with the need to believe
yet the fear of being so naïve that she
puts herself in danger again and again

inside she struggles with the person she saw and
the truth that seems to be before her
she wants to trust her gut
but how can she... it’s led her in the wrong direction
so many times before.

It hurts so much... the pain so big
she wants to recoil and hide and never trust again
but she knows that this will be an empty existence
so she’ll reach out again, but perhaps more carefully
next time.

she knows that people aren’t all bad
nor are they all good
there is a blend of both in each person
who is she to decide which good is okay
and which bad is incomprehensible
how much can she... will she tolerate?

she loves so deeply
believes so completely
hurts so profoundly
her heart breaks
again for promises lost
dreams torn
misconceptions run rampant
torn between loyalty to a belief
and the terrible facts before her
to love and trust?

To leave and hate
is there a place in between

I don’t know.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Outside, beyond what is right or wrong, there exists a vast field.
We will find each other there.

A B C D!